If there is no telephone
connected by
Bluetooth, a voice message announces:
"Please first connect a telephone", and the
voice session is closed.
The "Text messages" voice
function allows you to dictate and send an
Other information:
The system may suggest an inappropriate
parking space (parking prohibited, work in
progress with damaged road surface, location
alongside a ditch, etc.).
The system may indicate that a space has
been found but will not offer it because of a fixed
obstacle on the opposite side of the manoeuvre,
which does not allow the vehicle to follow the
trajectory required for parking...
Switching on/pausing
Turn thumbwheel 1 to the "CRUISE" position
to select cruise control mode; the function is
Press button 2 or 3 to activate cruise control
and save a speed setting when the vehicle has
reached the desired speed; the vehicle’s current
speed is saved as the speed setting...