Displays information related to the current trip (range, fuel consumption, average speed, etc.).
Data displayed on the instrument panel
Display of the various tabs
Trip reset
Trips "1" and "2" are independent and are used in the same way.
(miles or km)
Distance that can still be
travelled with the
fuel remaining in the tank (based on the
average fuel consumption over the last few miles
(kilometres) travelled).
This value may vary following a change in driving style or terrain, leading to a significant change in current fuel consumption.
When the range falls below 19 miles (30 km), dashes are displayed.
After filling with at least 5 litres of fuel, the range is recalculated and is displayed if it exceeds 62 miles (100 km).
If dashes instead of figures continue to be displayed while driving, contact a dealer or a qualified workshop.
Current consumption
(mpg or l/100 km or km/l)
(miles/kWh or kWh/100 km or km/kWh) (Electric)
Calculated during the last few
This function is only displayed at speeds above 19 mph (30 km/h) (Petrol or Diesel).
Average consumption
(mpg or l/100 km or km/l)
(miles/kWh or kWh/100 km or km/kWh) (Electric)
Calculated since the last trip
computer reset.
Average speed
(mph or km/h)
Calculated since the last trip
Distance travelled
(miles or km)
Calculated since the last trip
Stop & Start time counter
(minutes/seconds or hours/minutes)
If your vehicle is fitted with Stop & Start, a time counter calculates the time spent in STOP mode during a journey.
The time counter is reset each time the ignition is switched on.